¡ENCUENTRA un viaje a tu medida!
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Días en bicicleta

Saltando de Isla en Isla

....We had an excellent and highly enjoyable cycling holiday and would highly recommend Dutch Bike Tours to anyone thinking of a cycling holiday in Holland. All 3 hotels you booked were of excellent quality with good service. The evening meals ( we were booked half board) were also of an excellent standard and good value. The bikes we were hired took us a little while to get used to as they were the standard ‘Dutch bikes’ rather than the touring bikes we are accustomed to in England but it was not long before we were comfortable with them. The maps and directions were also good and very clear....

El Parque Nacional de Hoge Veluwe

....My daughter and I have completed our bike tour and returned the bikes and helmets to the bike shed at the Reehorst Hotel in Ede. All in all, the bike tour was a wonderful experience....

Viaje en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Holanda

...We very much enjoyed The Art Hotel, very helpful and enthusiastic receptions staff, and great breakfast. Bikes fine. Directions worked well except when getting out of Amsterdam on day 1....

Viaje de las diligencias

...Thanks for the follow-up. We enjoyed the trip very much. Bikes were at the hotel when we arrived as was the welcome package. Bikes were easy to carry, locks worked and tools were in the pannier....   [...]

El Queso y la Costa

...Wir haben uns sehr wohl und gut betreut gefühlt auf der Reise mit DutchBikeTours! Es hat sehr viel Spass gemacht, wir haben viel gesehen, die Strecken waren toll ausgesucht und sehr gut beschrieben. Mit dem GPS war es überhaupt kein Problem, die Routen zu finden, wir haben uns nicht ein einziges Mal verfahren. Vielen Dank auch für die schnelle Hilfe bei technischen Problemen.... [...]

El Queso y la Costa

....Wir haben uns sehr wohl und gut betreut gefühlt auf der Reise mit DutchBikeTours! Es hat sehr viel Spass gemacht, wir haben viel gesehen, die Strecken waren toll ausgesucht und sehr gut beschrieben. Mit dem GPS war es überhaupt kein Problem, die Routen zu finden, wir haben uns nicht ein einziges Mal verfahren. Vielen Dank auch für die schnelle Hilfe bei technischen Problemen.... [...]


....I would just like to say that we had a great time and would definitely recommend and use Dutch Bike Tours again for cycling in Holland. Virtually all the accommodations were of acceptable quality although there was some variation in standards amongst all the venues with some being newer, larger and more convenient than others. The general route was enjoyable and gave us a good appreciation of the regional difference through this part of the country....

Estrella de Groot Heideborgh: Este y Oeste de Veluwe

....zeker positief en voor herhaling vatbaar!....

Saltando de Isla en Isla

....Na een voortreffelijke fietsweek zijn wij zondagavond zeer tevreden thuisgekomen. Het was voor ons de eerste keer dat wij van de diensten van Dutch Biketours gebruik konden maken, en zeker niet de laatste keer. Voor uw organisatie niets dan lof. Met name ook het feit dat u de originele fietstocht Leeuwarden – Vlieland – Terschelling – Leeuwarden voor ons heeft omgezet in Leeuwarden – Terschelling – Vlieland – Leeuwarden, aangezien het hotel in Terschelling later niet beschikbaar was i.v.m. Oeral festiviteiten. Voor het overige hebben wij niets dan lof. Koffers keurig geregeld van hotel naar hotel, Voortreffelijke hotels. [...]

La Arena y el Mar

...Herzlichen Dank für gute Organisation dieser Tour. Wir haben 2 Wochen wunderbare Rad-Ferien in Holland erlebt. Genial die überreichten Tourpläne/Reiseunterlagen von euch und das ausgeklügelte Radnetz mit den Hinweisen auf der Strecke.Überall in den Unterkünften (Hotels) wurden wir herzlich empfangen und ausgezeichnet verpflegt. [...]

El Bosque de Veluwe

....We had a great time on the Veluwe Forest Tour, some of our thoughts below: Bikes - Excellent, perfect for touring and we had no mechanical problems at all. Navigation - Generally this was very good, with the numbered route cards working well. There are a couple of small inaccuracies but nothing that wasn't relatively easy to work out. Luggage - the system worked very smoothly.
Hotels - we were pleased with all of these and thought they represented good value (particularly enjoyed the bowling alley at the Princess Hotel in Epe!) Sites - we enjoyed the chance to visit some of the sites along the route (especially the Arnhem Museum). We were cycling in Holland for the first time and were exceptionally impressed - fantastic cycle lanes everywhere and very respectful motorists! Thank you very much as overall it was an exceptional holiday!....

El Parque Nacional de Hoge Veluwe

....Hotel de Reehorst ideally located near to station in Ede.Arrived  @10.30 am so left baggage & walked into Ede. Excellent Hotel apart from arty decor!....


...We had a very enjoyable trip in your beautiful country. The innkeepers were all welcoming and helpful with the bikes, and the bikes performed very well. There was one particularly challenging day when the wind was over 40 mph - it seemed like we rode three times the distance.... [...]

Dunas y Deltas

...Holland hat uns,so wie wir es auf der Radtour erlebt haben, sehr gut gefallen und wir sind sicher, nicht das letzte Mal eine Tour dort gemacht zu haben. Die Hotels waren überwiegend gut, ebenfalls die HP. Streckenführung landschaftlich sehr schön. Preis- Leistungsverhältnis hat gestimmt....

Playas y Pueblos

....Thank you and Lieke very much for all the effort you have done to organize the fantastic bike tour. We had a very very good time cycled over 400 KM and lots of hours of cycling all around beautiful Netherlands. In fact the organization from your company was excellent by all means and we really appreciate all you have done to make this trip a so memorable trip. We are planning a trip for the future as there is so much to see and experience in The Netherlands and as bike lovers it is a real Fiets paradise....

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