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Días en bicicleta

Viaje en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Holanda

"We enjoyed our holiday very much"

...The hotels were lovely, the food was excellent, and everybody we met was very kind and friendly. As this was the first time we had done this, however, we would maybe have liked to have our hands held a bit more. The Casa 400 receptionists didn’t seem to know much, and had to be reminded that we would have a pack waiting for us. Fortunately they found it. We had thought that someone would issue us with bikes. [...]

Al Norte de Holanda

"fantastic week"

...We finished the tour and were very sorry to leave Holland after a fantastic week. Although the weather was not always good we really enjoyed the cycling, the country, the people, the accomodation and the whole experience. [...]

Joyas Culturales de Holanda

"We will certainly returning in the future"

....We had a wonderful holiday with your company and will certainly be returning in the future.The bikes were good,hotels good and the places were great.We did get rather lost from Haarlem to Leiden as we could not find the numbers on a few occasions.The hotel Casa400 was however poor. Our first room was uncomfortable with uncomfortable beds,the room was too hot and unable to cool down. However apart from this we had a great time,though I think you should check the route from Haarlem to Leiden as I think a few people will get lost... [...]

Viaje en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Holanda

"Very impressed by your company"

... I was (and am) very impressed by your company. [...]

El Corazón Verde

"We had a wonderful trip"

...We had a wonderful trip, following mainly the 5-00 Green Heart Route.: Amsterdam-Gouda-Bunnik-Amsterdam. it was really flat. [...]

Viaje en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Holanda

"Our tour was excellent"

...The directions were clear, the hotels and meals both very nice. It is amazing the the Netherlands has such a wonderful network of bike trails. Since we arrived in Amsterdam a day early, and had two extra days there at the end of the tour, we decided to skip the rather detailed wanderings through the city on the recommended route on the first day. [...]

El Bosque de Veluwe

"We look forward"

… Hotels....generally they were excellent, helpful staff, comfortable rooms and good food. We had a problem at Nunspeet where we explained to the waitress that we were on half board and also that we wished to drink tap water. [...]

Joyas del Este

"We enjoyed the variety of scenery on the routes"

…We have arrived home safely and have really enjoyed our riding in Holland again. It is a real treat to ride on joined up cycle facilities and see how difficult crossings and junctions can be designed for us to be safe. [...]

Entre Molinos y Prados

"The bike tour was fantastic"

...I had a wonderful time. My top 3 suggestions would be to: 1.) have a hotel closer to city centre at Dordecht (the current one is too far away from the city centre for restaurants for dinner after a long day of riding); 2.) have a lighter bike; 3.) provide a water bottle (may run out of water out in the countryside in the middle of the ride at the end of a long day!). [...]

Viaje Estrella en Veluwe

"We had a lovely time"

...We had a lovely time thank you. We enjoyed the cycling and the hotel. It was very nice and friendly and obliging staff. Our bikes were fine. Just to let u know as a feedback and not a criticism: One bike, Gear 1 was not working , although the terrain is so flat mostly , we did not need it. One bike had no water bottle holder. Everything else was very good and we hope to use it again next time we plan our cycling holiday...

Entre Molinos y Prados

"Een paar puntjes van aandacht"

...Over het voortraject van de vakantie zijn wij zeer tevreden. Tijdens de vakantie hebben zich toch wel enkele puntjes van aandacht voorgedaan. Ten eerste kloppen de fietsroutepunten op de kaartjes in de fietsroutehouder niet allemaal. [...]

Estrella de Groot Heideborgh: Este y Oeste de Veluwe

"The choice of Hotels are superb"

...This was the third time we have used Dutch Bike Tours in a row and each time I have been well impressed by the whole package and that is why we come each year. I do hope to return again next year. [...]

Entre Polders

"Enjoyed the trip"

...Overall we really enjoyed riding through the Dutch country side. The bike paths are fantastic and we found them very safe as we never had to worry about auto traffic other than at intersections. [...]

Joyas Culturales de Holanda

"We had a great time"

...Thank you so much, we had a great time on our cycling tour, despite the rain and wind. :) The accommodation was wonderful, particularly in Haarlem and Delft, and of course Amsterdam. Our only suggestions would be that the constant rain meant our maps disintegrated in the rain. Perhaps some kind of plastic cover for the maps could be a good idea. Also, our GPS kept running out of battery, so perhaps a USB charger that runs off the bicycle could be a good idea as well. But overall a wonderful way to get to see the Netherlands. [...]

Joyas Culturales de Holanda

"The holiday was brilliant"

...We all enjoyed ourselves, however we did have some issues with the routes - in particularly more detailed information on how to get out of the towns would have been helpfull. The signposting was good in some areas but not good in others, in particular we came to a T Junction main road and no signs at all.  It was only after getting out the road map that we realised we had to go down the main road and pick up a small track off it, if we hadn't had the map we would have been really stuck and probably gone the wrong way.  The Hotel in Leiden was okay but small things like couldn't get plug out of sink, no tea and coffee facilities, we had to ask, (however they were very good and supplied the tea and coffee).  Hotel Casa didn't seem to know anything about us when we first arrived and we had to ask for your pack.  I think the routes could be a bit more detailed as we did get lost on several junctions... [...]
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