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Días en bicicleta


Excellent experience and arrangements went very smoothly. Bikes were good and we enjoyed the route chosen especially through the Green Heart during the first 2 days. Interesting route over bridges and ferries and through beautiful countryside and historic towns  [...]

Don Clark - AU


Excellent experience and arrangements went very smoothly. Bikes were good and we enjoyed the route chosen especially through the Green Heart during the first 2 days. Interesting route over bridges and ferries and through beautiful countryside and historic towns  [...]

Don Clark - AU

Los Pueblos Frisones y sus Lagos

Belle expérience, super organisation ! Au top.

Verriele Benoît et Hélène - France

Las ciudades Hanseáticas a lo largo del Ijssel

The Netherlands has created the perfect biking experience and we are so grateful to have experienced it!! Thank you from Canada.

Gisele Tanney - CA

En bici con niños: Reyes y Playas

One of our favorite moments in our trip was cresting the small hill from the mainland and seeing and hearing the North Sea for the first time. It was an absolutely spectacular place to bike along the coast. World class views and experience. [...]

Cameron BIrd - CA

Bici y barco por el norte de Holanda

My group loved riding through the North Holland countryside and the small villages. The tour guides, Peter and Wilfred, were perfectly suited for their roles; very helpful, informative, friendly, and kind. The crew on board were very impressive and worked together as a team in a beautiful and refreshing way. [...]

Cindy Coxwell - US

Lo Mejor del Norte de Holanda

Wir hatten eine wunderschöne Radtour durch Nordholland, mit der Insel Texel. Die Gps-Daten gingen jeweils von Hotel zu Hotel, so dass es kein Problem war, die Hotels zu finden. Die Landschaft und die wunder schönen kleinen Städtchen haben uns sehr gut gefallen. [...]

Margarete Bellof - DE

Las Once Ciudades de Frisia

Die Elfstedentocht bietet hübsche alte Städtchen, in denen man gerne verweilt und hindurch schlendert. Zwischen den Städten begleiten einen ständig Schafe, Kühe, Weiden, Deiche, eben die typisch friesischen Landschaften.

Gabriele Heger - DE

Familias: Playa, dunas y ciudades

Riding through a beautiful variety of landscapes and habitats, it was all wonderfully refreshing. One of the best moments was eating Sea Buckthorn berries straight from the bushes, so fresh and lemony, a great way to connect with nature among these sand dunes, some of them older than the country they are now in.

Daniel Papworth - GB

Lo Mejor del Norte de Holanda

We recently had a fabulous tour of Northern Holland with DBT. The cycling routes were excellent and the organisation extremely good.

Mark Woodward - GB

Playas y Pueblos

Eine sehr gut organisierte Radtour, die wir gerne weiterempfehlen. Die Ziele waren so gewählt, dass wir - als Holland Neulinge - einen super Einblick bekamen. Besonders schön waren die Touren durchs "grüne Herz Hollands". [...]

Viaje en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Holanda

A enjoyable introduction to the Netherlands, which proved to be stimulating and suitable for all the family.

Paul Edwards - GB


Loved the amazing expanse of cycleways throughout the bike tour .We would never cycle without a helmet at home but felt confident to do so due to the cycle paths being so safe. Didn’t get lost once thanks to the cycle app!

Jenny Pirie - NZ

Rutas desde Amsterdam

Three routes and rides, three extremely different experiences of the beautiful areas of both North and South Holland.

Kate Barton - GB

Al Norte de Holanda

Schöne Rundtour durch Nord-Holland, einige längere Strecken direkt am Wasser entlang. Beeindruckend die Gegend um Petten über den hohen Deich und dem breiten und endlos langem Strand dort. Der Abschnitt Richtung Den Helder auf dem Inlanddeich allerdings schon mit erheblichem Gegenwind, E-Bikes welcome... [...]

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