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Días en bicicleta


Four of us traveled from Bruge to Amsterdam last two weeks of September. The trip went off without a hitch. We loved traveling through the Nederlands on bikes. [...]

Linda - US

Paisajes acuáticos de Holanda

Jim Mumford - US


We had a wonderful trip in the Netherlands, where cycling is a way of life and the bicycle infrastructure is simply incredible. The route covers many types of terrain, from lush fields with multiple canals, to biking along a seaside dike or 5 km bridge. The accommodations were all excellent and provided hearty breakfasts, perfect for days of biking. [...]

Mario Ciccone - CA


Die Tour von Amsterdam nach Brügge war der erholsamste und schönste Urlaub, den wir je gemacht haben. Wir hatten unfassbar Glück mit dem Wetter und praktisch kaum Gegenwind. Die Routen führen durch wunderschöne ruhige Landschaften, die Strecke ist einfach zu finden, selbst in Städten findet man sich toll zurecht. [...]

Britta Lange - DE

Viaje Estrella en Veluwe

This was a wonderful holiday from start to finish. Dutch Bike Tours made the whole trip very easy by planning all the routes for us and they chose great off-road paths for each cycle. We tried a Knuup Pont route on our own but ended up on bike paths that weren’t as pretty as those chosen by DBT so we quickly went back to the DBT recommendations. [...]

Therese O'Sullivan - GB

El Corazón Verde

We were a group of 11 friends .The whole trip was fantastic - we were lucky with fabulous weather . We used the app and maps which both worked well We would definitely highly recommend the green heart tour .

Jane Stephenson - GB


Wonderful. An easy ride through beautiful countryside and villages. Very clean. [...]

Deborah Bryant - FR

Dunas y Canales

Utrecht nach Amsterdam an der Vecht entlang war super schön ! Tolle Radwege, heimelige Orte, tolle Landschaften ! Auch das Ijsselmeer ist eine echte Empfehlung, Spakenburg mit den vielen "Botters" hat uns besonders gut gefallen ! [...]

Heike und Sandra - DE

La Arena y el Mar

This was a wonderful trip and everything was as described. The highlight of the trip was staying on the hotel SS Rotterdam as it was such a unique experince. All the accomodation was above expectation. [...]

Julie Rowland - GB


We had perfect weather and the most amazing trip we could have imagined. The routes were scenic as we rode through countryside and small villages in the Netherlands. We will never forget this trip, organized perfectly by Dutch bike tours.  [...]

Karen Leonard - US

Playas y Pueblos

Really enjoyable holiday with an opportunity to explore Holland and its variety of routes, cities and wildlife with peaceful cycling in the countryside. Unfortunately the distances involved in getting from one place to the next didn't give much time for sightseeing. Much of Holland is quite idyllic, picturesque and safe. [...]

Michel Gay - GB

Dunas y Canales

Well paced through beautiful and interesting landscapes. Great for a solo female traveller.

Maureen Small - US

Nuevo Programa de la Línea de Agua Holandesa

The waterline tour takes you through endless charming villages, picture postcard scenery and many interesting sights. We'd never been to Holland before, and we could not believe how perfectly the towns, houses and gardens were maintained. There's almost no litter, and the cycle paths are out of this world. [...]

Simon Johnson - GB


Eine perfekt organisierte Reise, auf der man sich wunderbar unterstützt fühlte. Alles funktionierte perfekt. Ein Reiseveranstalter, den man nur empfehlen kann. [...]

Andreas Lenel - DE

Paisajes acuáticos de Holanda

The bike path through the parks and forest between Leidon and The Hague was breathtaking. The bike paths were well signposted and followed scenic quiet routes

Sarah Nelson - AU
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