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Días en bicicleta

Amsterdam - Bruselas LF2 ¡Nuevo 2016!

...Sie haben die Organisation mit Bestnoten bewältigt. Alles hat geklappt, so dass wir die Tour von Amsterdam nach Brüssel in vollen Zügen geniessen konnten. Die Unterlagen mit den einzelnen Tagesetappen waren hervorragend und haben uns sehr unterstützt. [...]


...Now we are going back home and missing already the incredible daily cycling days we had. We just loved it all, the routes, the bikes, the places, organization, maps, tips and all locations we stayed. We thank you very much for such incredible experience you provided to us... [...]

La Arena y el Mar

...Wir haben 3 wunderschöne Wochen auf unserer Bike Tour durch Holland erlebt. Die Woche in Bilderberg / Garderen als Einführung war genial. Jeden Abend wieder zurück im schönen Hotel Bilderberg und dann Wellness und gut Essen. [...]

Playas y Pueblos

...Our trip went very well et we appreciated the quality of the road book.  Maybe, it lacked a few advice concerning the restaurants.  The hotel in Zandvoort was less nice than the others but the quality of the breakfast counterbalanced the fact that the room was less nice than the others.  Finally, we appreciated the last room « upgraded ». Biking in Holland is very easy (flat roads and very well indicated). The stages could have been longer or options could have been suggested... [...]

Joyas Culturales de Holanda

...We had an excellent adventure with your tour service. Loved every day of it, and especially the variety of pathways we found ourselves on through woodlands, and farmer's fields. Each day was of a length that allowed us ample time to visit the towns we stayed overnight in. [...]

Atravesando Holanda

...Thank you for your email. We are delighted to say that we had a wonderful cycle holiday. (this was our second cycle tour holiday with Dutch Bike tours.) We found all the hotels of good standard and welcoming and in each hotel they were expecting us to arrive. Each hotel had somewhere we could securely store our bike overnight. [...]

Playas y Pueblos

...We had a very pleasant trip, wonderful scenery, good accommodation with excellent breakfasts, and the use of quality bikes. Thank you...

Joyas Culturales de Holanda

...Our trip was excellent , very enjoyable and pleasant. The experience of cycling in the Netherlands was wonderful and exceeded all our expectations. The landscapes, the people, the places , the chosen hotels, all responded to that we expected. [...]

El Lago IJsselmeer y el Mar del Norte

...We loved the bike tour.  The quality of the bikes, the baggage delivery and so on was excellent.  We had a fantastic time and we will do it again.  It is a wonderful way to visit your beautiful country...

El Lago IJsselmeer y el Mar del Norte

...we really enjoyed the trip. It was well organised with interesting sights to see each day. The hotels were good also. [...]

Viaje de las diligencias

...Die Tour ist den Wünschen und Erwartungen voll gerecht geworden...

Gran Viaje de IJsselmeer

...We have thoroughly enjoyed our cycling holiday.  The landscape teeming with wildlife, the picturesque villages and towns, the historical buildings and boats - they all made for a wonderful trip.  The Zuiderzeemuseum was fantastic.  Thank you for putting the itinerary together.  Even the diversity of hotels added an element of surprise each day...

Playas y Pueblos

...um es gleich vorweg zu sagen: die Radreise "Städte und Strand" war sehr gut organisiert, alles hat bestens geklappt, wir können diese Reise jedem weiter empfehlen. Auch die direkte Buchung und Kommunikation mit Dutch Biketours hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Die Hotels waren gut ausgesucht. Überall begegnete uns sehr freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal... [...]

Gran Viaje de IJsselmeer

...We have thoroughly enjoyed our cycling holiday.  The landscape teeming with wildlife, the picturesque villages and towns, the historical buildings and boats - they all made for a wonderful trip.  The Zuiderzeemuseum was fantastic.  Thank you for putting the itinerary together.  Even the diversity of hotels added an element of surprise each day...

Visitando las Grandes Ciudades

...die Radtour, die wir bei Ihnen gebucht hatten, hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Alles hat sehr gut geklappt. Das Rad fuhr prima und die Unterkünfte waren meist sehr gut. [...]
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